Authors: Sharon E.; Heinich, Robert; Russell, James D. Smaldino
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Number Of Pages: 432
Publication Date: 2004
Format: PDF
Size: 20 MB
Users will find a Summary and Objectives for each chapter as well as true/false and multiple choice Self-Assessment quizzes with which to test their knowledge of chapter content. In addition, Critical Thinking Questions, Classroom Link Portfolio Activities, Integration Assessments, and Web-based Activities offer students questions and activities based on chapter content. Web Links, Professional Development Resources, and Flashbacks offer further avenues for research and discovery. All of the information about Using the ASSURE Model from your text is provided for online use.
Skill Builder Exercises help to illustrate how to use various programs in your classroom. ISTE Information is provided to help you align your classroom and work to the NETS-T standards. Selection Rubrics from the text are also provided.
Users will also find a threaded Message Board feature that allows them to communicate with students and professors nationwide about pertinent topics and issues. Finally, for professors, there is a Syllabus Manager feature that allows professors to create and modify an online syllabus for their courses. In addition, professors have access to Instructor's Manual and PowerPoint materials.
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