All teachers recognize how crucial the acquisition of good reading skills is. This book will help teachers understand how pupils learn and help them to meet those pupils' different needs through appropriate intervention. The book includes: clear explanations of different learning difficulties; guidelines on types of assessment; advice on how to select the best type of intervention and support.
Не побоюсь этого слова - настольная книга преподавателя английского, работающего с детьми 4-11 лет, коллекция хорошо известных и абсолютно новых карточных, настольных, подвижных, а также многих других игр. Кроме собственно игр, в книге вы также найдёте много практических советов
A fresh and enjoyable collection of games for children aged between 4 and 11, including card games, board games, physical games, and co-operative and competitive games. Gives helpful guidance for teachers on integrating games into the English syllabus, classroom management, adapting traditional games, and creating new games with children.
Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools is key reading for all trainee secondary school teachers. It covers the range of core professional skills that student teachers need to acquire irrespective of their subject specialism or their training route. It also considers recent developments in teaching, exploring the opportunities and challenges they present for those about to enter the profession.
Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools is also suitable for use by newly qualified teachers to support their early professional development. The book encourages readers to engage with ideas presented in the book, and offers students:
* An interactive approach – Chapters start with a set of objectives and contain a mix of tasks and activities, case studies and scenarios to which readers are invited to respond. Practical examples and illustrations make abstract or unfamiliar ideas easier to grasp. * Self-contained tasks – Most tasks can be completed there and then. For instance, if a task requires readers to analyse pupil performance data, a suitable example is provided.
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.It is really handy for teachers as it facilitates their classroom tasks.
In this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with Form, Meaning, and Use. THE GRAMMAR BOOK helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of English grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level.