Building on the successful formula of the first edition, Martin Tovée offers a concise but detailed account of how the visual system is organised and functions to produce visual perception.
In the 19th century when asteroids were first discovered, the continuum of sizes in the solar system was not understood, because many people thought of the solar system as a Sun orbited by nine planets. However, as observers' abilities to see smaller and smaller bodies in the solar system improves because of better instrumentation, and as scientists continue trying to catalog the number of large asteroidal bodies that someday might collide with the Earth, the solar system is viewed as a collection of objects with a whole continuum of sizes.
The Spinal Cord from Gestational Week 4 to the 4th Postnatal Month (Atlas of Human Central Nervous System Development) This first volume in the Atlas of Human Central Nervous System Development series sets the stage with complete coverage of the spinal cord from gestational week 4 to the 4th postnatal month.
As the United States has developed as a nation, so too has its educational system. As the colonies rebelled from Britain, their initial reliance on European educational models and philosophies was replaced by a greater focus on the Enlightenment, republicanism, and the influence of such prominent Americans as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, and Noah Webster.
Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Digestive System Diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and symptoms, pathology, genetics and predictive factors. Inherited tumour syndromes involving the digestive system are dealt separately...