Discover English to czteroczęściowy kurs przeznaczony dla uczniów klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej, który jest w pełni zgodny z nową podstawą programową i doskonale balansuje angażujące i ciekawe lekcje z rzetelnym przygotowaniem do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty.
Family and Friends Starter gives young learners a solid foundation in English. With a carefully graded reading and writing syllabus, accompanied by a clear phonics programme, the course takes learners from recognizing and tracing letters to writing and reading simple sentences with confidence.
Family and Friends Starter gives young learners a solid foundation in English. With a carefully graded reading and writing syllabus, accompanied by a clear phonics programme, the course takes learners from recognizing and tracing letters to writing and reading simple sentences with confidence.
Added by: mara_ | Karma: 10.65 | Black Hole | 25 October 2012
More! 2 SB
Cambridge University Press, 2011, 128 p. More! is a four-level course for lower-secondary students. Each level contains 12 units and provides 80-90 hours of classwork. Level 1 has an 18-page starter section that offers students dual entry to suit students who may not have done English at primary level.
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