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A Passage to India

A Passage to IndiaIn Forster's beautifully written novel about British India at the turn of the century, a simple misunderstanding erupts into hostility. The plot centers on Aziz, a young doctor who is initially tolerant of the British presence in India. However, when he takes a group of Americans to the Caves of Marabar and an American woman accuses him of raping her, his attitude changes. Imprisoned and then released when the woman recants, Aziz becomes thoroughly disillusioned and a proponent of a Hindi-Muslim alliance against the British.

Reuploaded Thanks to emkis

Tags: India, British, woman, attitude, changes, Imprisoned, released
Attitude Starter Student's Book

Attitude Starter Student's BookAttitude Starter Student's Book

is a six-level course designed for students to have a positive attitude to learning. 


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Tags: learning, Attitude, Starter, Student, attitude
Pragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude
Pragmatic Markers and Propositional AttitudeIn interactive discourse we not only express propositions, but we also express different attitudes to them. That is, we communicate how our mind entertains those propositions that we express. A speaker is able to express an attitude of belief, desire, hope, doubt, fear, regret or pretence that a given proposition represents a true state of affairs. This collection of papers explores the contribution of particles and other uninflected mood-indicating function words to the expression of propositional attitude in the broad sense.
Tags: express, propositions, attitude, uninflected, mood-indicating
The Wizard Heir

The Wizard HeirThe Wizard Heir

Sixteen-year-old Seph McCauley has spent the past three years getting kicked out of one exclusive private school after another. And it's not his attitude that's the problem.


Tags: after, school, another, attitude, Wizard, private
Money-Smart Kids: Teach Your Children Financial Confidence and Control
Money-Smart Kids: Teach Your Children Financial Confidence and ControlWant to teach your kids to see money as a tool, not a trap? Determined to help them avoid the mistakes you made? As a parent you want the best for your kids. You work hard to provide every advantage you can. You want them to be safe, smart and healthy. Yet, when it comes to money, it's a whole different story. If you're like most people, you'd rather run a mile through a desert with a camel on your back than talk financial realities with your children. Your parents told you that talking about money just wasn't polite. Look where that left you! A healthy, balanced attitude towards money begins when kids are just toddling, so pull your head out of the sand and roll up your sleeves.
Tags: money, healthy, where, balanced, attitude