Cutting Edge 3d edition Starter (SB - Students Book)This fully-revised edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made Cutting Edge so popular. With fresh, new, integrated DVD material and digital components, learners can be confident of improving their language skills through a carefully balanced range of activities.
• One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course • 'I can' statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability • Options provides four optional extra lessons linked to the topic of the unit. In the Starter level these are a Project lesson, Vocabulary lesson, Listening and Speaking lesson and either a CLIL or a Culture lesson. • Finished? activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson
Up Beat starter test multiroomEngage teenagers intellectually and emotionally.
It's their world, keep it upbeat!
Think back to when you were a teenager experiencing real life issues and dealing with new challenges. Now you can help today's young people make the same journey and watch as they learn about the world they live in and make meaningful connections to their lives and experiences. Use Upbeat Digital to improve the rhythm and timing of your classes with ActiveTeach - resources and in-class presentation
Beauty and the Beast (Green Apple Starter)A rich man suddenly becomes poor and he goes to live in the country with his children. One day he goes to the city on business. His daughters Rosalind and Hortensia ask him for expensive presents, but his other daughter, Beauty, only wants a rose.
On his way back the man takes a rose from the garden of a castle. But the owner of the castle, a beast, becomes angry and demands something in exchange…
Series: Green Apple | Level: Starter | Exam: ket trinity