Intensive audio - vocabulary course for the beginners.
Intensywny kurs dla początkujących wraz z programem SuperMemo do nauki słownictwa. Program SuperMemo to komputerowe wspomaganie nauki słownictwa zawartego w kursie Angielski w 3 miesiące dla początkujących. Jest szczegolnie przydatny osobom uczącym się samodzielnie, ktore mają kłopoty z mobilizowaniem się do systematycznej pracy.
Premodifiers in English: Their Structure and Significance (Studies in English Language)
The order and behaviour of the premodifier (an adjective, or other modifying word that appears before a noun) has long been a puzzle to syntacticians and semanticists. Why can we say 'the actual red ball', but not 'the red actual ball'? And why, conversely, do some other premodifiers have free variation in sentences; for example we can say both 'German and English speakers' and 'English and German speakers'?
A Handbook of English Conversation for Sightseeing Travel and Sociality
This book is a typical, standard and practical, traveling related American English handbook. The chapters concern lifelike situations in typical traveling environments.
"English"is a newspaper for all, who is interested in studying and teaching English. Newspaper contains a lot of useful material for teachers of schools and liceums.
"English"is a newspaper for all, who is interested in studying and teaching English. Newspaper contains a lot of useful material for teachers of schools and liceums.