This book is an excellent addition to the "Complete Tutankhamun", "Complete Pyramid", and "Complete Valley of the Kings" series. As a student of Egyptology, with a special interest in the religious aspects of the society, I found this book to be an excellent addition to my reference library. It is filled with color photographs, charts and information in a clear easy to follow layout. This book features not only information on the architectural lay out of individual temples and sanctuaries, it also provides a valuable overview to evolution of the temple in Egypt...
I Think, Therefore I Laugh: The Flip Side of Philosophy
Wittgenstein once remarked that 'a serious and good philosophical work could be written that consisted entirely of jokes'. Inspired by this idea, John Allen Paulos shows how conceptual humour and analytic philosophy resonate at a very deep level. Both evince a keen concern for language and its (mis)interpretations; both require a free intelligence in a relatively open society, as well as a sceptical tendency towards debunking; and both are quintessentially human.
What is Gender? explores these complex and important questions, helping readers to critically analyze how women's and men's lives are shaped by the society in which they live.
Grade 6-8–Each volume examines the cultures of these ancient societies through their literature, artifacts, and documents. Religion, farming, levels of society, art, government, and fine arts are covered in these well-written and attractive books. Throughout the texts and in numerous sidebars, the authors relate fascinating information about ancient settlements in India, a bronze statue of the Buddha unearthed in a Viking marketplace, and the significance of a birth date in Aztec society.
No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents
Having a child, it has been said, is the greatest risk one can take. Marriages may come and go but parenthood endures. There is simply no escape--no exit--from the emotional and practical responsibilities of parenting. Nor should there be.