Link letters to form words and rebuild the Great Wall of China in this epic word game. For more than 1,000 years the Great Wall has protected China from its enemies. But now a new threat has emerged. Embark on an epic journey of word building to repair the wall section by section and save China. Featuring three game modes, an epic storyline, and addictive fun, Great Wall of Words is a true word wonder.
The thoroughly expanded and updated New Companion to the Gothic, provides a series of stimulating insights into Gothic writing, its history and genealogy. The addition of 12 new essays and a section on 'Global Gothic' reflects the direction Gothic criticism has taken over the last decade.
The first section of this research based but practical book has been updated to examine the most recent research in two key areas: dyslexia and the dyslexic experience and the major cognitive and learning styles. In the light of increased controversy around the use of learning style theory in the educational arena, suggestions are made as to ways in which these theories can be utilized to inform teaching and learning and maximize success for vulnerable learners. The second section provides a range of ways in which to enable learners to understand and utilize their individual styles along with techniques to help students ...
In this issue we have brought ideas to how to improve your spelling. Thouse who are weak in it, they must adopt the instructions discussed in the 'cover story' section. There are other interesting stories and fun activities for you inside.