This completely updated edition of the leading ethics and law guide for students, as well as practicing school psychologists, provides authoritative, timely information on professional standards and legal requirements pertinent to the delivery of school psychological services. Ethics and Law for School
This book opens with a chronology and a lengthy introduction to Lucy Maud Montgomery's life and works. Annotations accompany the text of the novel explaining references to people, places, literary works, quotations, events, flora, fauna, etc. within the narrative. The volume is filled with illustrations from different editions of Anne and photos of Montgomery, her handwritten manuscript, her childhood home, her school, her parents and family, Prince Edward Island, plants, pictures of the times, and more. ..
AUDIO bookworms reuploaded Thanks to aisa74 and vntester
This book is about the perceptions of teaching and learning which are held by those who are most closely involved in the educational process or affected by itsuch as teachers, pupils and parents. The perceptions described here range from those of nursery staff working with children before they start school, to those of pupils and teachers in the early stages of secondary school. The issues covered include the nature of pre-school learning, the changing primary curriculum, the value of assessment, the seriousness of learning, the role of knowledge about language, and the nature of effective teaching and learning.
School & Nation: Identity Politics and Educational Media in an Age of Diversity
At a time when the power of schools and both state and federal education authorities to guide young people’s sense of belonging is being challenged by multilingualism, by the claims of supra- and subnational regions and minorities, by memories of national catastrophes and crimes, and by out-of-school educational media, this collection of essays provides an apposite exploration of the ways in which shared narratives continue to be transmitted and learnt.
Leaders and leadership in the school, college and university
Introduces a wide range of perspectives on contemporary leadership in education, and contains detailed interviews with headteachers. The interviews reveal the subjects' own experiences at school, their reasons for taking up teaching, and the values and beliefs they bring to their positions.