Flexible, effective and creative primary school teachers require subject knowledge, an understanding of their pupils and how they learn, a range of strategies for managing behaviour and organising environments for learning, and the ability to respond to dynamic classroom situations.
This third edition of Learning to Teach in the Primary School is fully updated with reference to the new National Curriculum, and has been revised to provide even more practical advice and guidance to trainee primary teachers. Twenty-two new authors have been involved and connections are now made to Northern Irish, Welsh and Scottish policies.
The core guide to the three exams required for admission to Catholic high schools nationwide. It offers complete coverage of the Cooperative Admissions Examination (COOP), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), and the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). Not only will you get expert prep advice on these exams, but also author Mark Stewart gives you inside information on gaining admission to a Catholic high school.
Funny, likeable Little Critter is at it again. In this appealing picture book about Mercer Mayer's popular character, Little Critter struggles to remember what he is supposed to do each day. On rainy days he remembers his raincoat but forgets his boots. On school days he gets to school on time but forgets his lunchbox. At home he takes a bath but forgets to use soap. Poor Little Critter! He tries hard but hasn't quite mastered the art of how to get through the day. Every young reader will understand Little Critter's confusion and laugh with him from start to finish.
The handbook for improving morale by managing, disciplining and motivating your students. This second edition of the bestselling book includes practical suggestions for arranging your classroom, talking to students, avoiding the misbehavior cycle, and making your school a place where students learn and teachers teach.
Health Education: Elementary and Middle School Applications, 7th edition
Health Education: Elementary and Middle School Applications is a state-of-the art methods book that provides a broad introduction to successful school health programming to reduce health risks and promote school success. Now in its Seventh Edition, the text continues to emphasize the skills needed to teach health, while providing background information on key health topics. This practical approach prepares pre-service elementary and middle school teachers to provide quality health instruction. All the suggested teaching activities are aligned with the National Health Education Standards and include sample assessment strategies.