101 English Words You’ll Never Learn in School
One of the problems with school is that they teach you language as if you were learning so that you could write a textbook. They don’t recognize that most language is spoken much different than the “proper” way it’s written.
Harvard Business Review is a general management magazine published since 1922 by Harvard Business School Publishing, owned by the Harvard Business School. A monthly research-based magazine written for business practitioners, it claims a high ranking business readership among academics, executives, and management consultants.
From struggling students to academic all-stars, everyone can do better in school. Research shows that executive functions such as focus and organization are more valuable to school performance than intelligence or talent. Fortunately, these functions are skills, so students can learn them. This book provides ten tools to improve executive functioning, described as “mental apps” that will appeal to digital natives. Featuring plenty of examples, practice assignments, and a playful tone, this book can provide an academic boost to any student.
There is one workbook of each school year in the English made easy series. Each book provides questions, answers and notes of perants, so you can help your child practice school English at home.
A proven framework for whole-school improvement The School Leadership Playbook is a practical guide for education leaders looking to push their school's and students' achievement to the next level. Developed by renowned leadership preparation program New Leaders, the Transformational Leadership Framework focuses on the five categories that drive a school's success: Learning and Teaching, School Culture, Talent Management, Operations and Systems, and Personal Leadership. This book illustrates how each of these factors contributes to breakthrough gains, and outlines a plan for implementing changes in your own school.