By learning how to use your thoughts, feelings and imagination through the dramatic new approach to self-hypnosis presented for the first time in this book, you can become more fully alive—and make your life and yourself what you want them to be.
Авторизованный перевод с английского языка выходящего в США учебного пособия (2-е издание), предназначенного для старшекурсников и преподавателей языковых факультетов и вузов, а также для тех, кто самостоятельно и серьезно изучает английский язык. Это издание специально переработано и дополнено для русских читателей. Его автор, одна из старших синхронных переводчиков ООН,Линн Виссон, — выпускница Гарварда с докторской степенью по русскому языку и литературе, была профессором Колумбийского и других университетов Америки.
A brisk narrative of battles and plagues, monastic orders, heroic women, and knights-errant, barbaric tortures and tender romance, intrigue, scandals, and conquest, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History mixes a spirited and entertaining writing style with exquisite, thorough scholarship. Barbara A. Hanawalt, a renowned medievalist, launches her story with the often violent amalgamation of Roman, Christian, and Germanic cultures following the destruction and pillaging of the crown jewel of the Roman Empirethe great city of Rome.
In classical antiquity, there was much interest in necromancy--the consultation of the dead for divination. People could seek knowledge from the dead by sleeping on tombs, visiting oracles, and attempting to reanimate corpses and skulls. Ranging over many of the lands in which Greek and Roman civilizations flourished, including Egypt, from the Greek archaic period through the late Roman empire, this book is the first comprehensive survey of the subject ever published in any language.
H.G. Widdowson has played an important and pioneering role in the development of communication language theory. This book develops a rational approach to the teaching of language as communication based on a careful consideration of the nature of language and of the language user's activities. It provides a lucid guide through a subject which is often confused and misrepresented, while providing a stimulus to all language teachers to investigate the ideas that inform their own practices.