The Six Secrets Of Change: What the Best Leaders Do to Help Their Organizations Survive and Thrive “ The Six Secrets of Change explores essential lessons for business and public sector leaders for surviving and thriving in todays complex environment. He draws on his acclaimed work in bringing about large-scale and substantial change in education reform in both public school systems and universities, as well as engaging in major change initiatives internationally. This book is filled with lessons that are insightful, actionable, and concisely communicable.
The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools
Assistive technology (AT) is a serious topic-providing students with special needs tools and strategies to aid in their learning-but reading about it doesn't have to be boring! In The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools, authors Christopher R. Bugaj and Sally Norton-Darr throw in a few pirates, monsters, and monkeys to keep you engaged but don't sacrifice the tips, strategies, and insight that will help improve your school or district AT program. From setting up a stellar team to consultations and evaluations, and from implementation to assessing success, this guide presents detailed advice and ideas to provide AT services that efficiently help students.
Knitting Fair Isle Mittens & Gloves: 40 Great-Looking Designs
Some of the 45 distinctive designs stay close to tradition; others go modern and feature a contemporary color palette. You’ll find a style for everyone. Every project has fantastic full-color graphs of both sides so knitting is easier then ever. An excellent choice for large public libraries and ethnic needlework collections. Library Journal.
This book shows how to create communication that will improve personal relationships, enhance an individual’s participation and leadership in groups, develop public speaking skills, and strengthen interviewing abilities.
Graeco-Roman literary works, historiography, and even the reporting of rumours were couched as if they came in response to an insatiable desire by ordinary citizens to know everything about the lives of their leaders, and to hold them to account, at some level, for their abuse of constitutional powers for personal ends. Ancient writers were equally fascinated with how these same individuals used deceit as a powerful tool to disguise private and public reality. The chapters in this collection examine the themes of despotism and deceit from both historical and literary perspectives,