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The New Comedy of Greece and Rome

The New Comedy of Greece and RomeThe New Comedy of Greece and Rome

In writing this book on the plays of New Comedy the author's aim is to fill a gap in the existing literature by concentrating on what one might look for in watching and reading these plays and why such an exercise might be pleasurable.
Tags: might, Comedy, plays, these, exercise, Greece, reading
Persons, Roles, and Minds - Identity in Peony Pavilion and Peach Blossom Fan

Persons, Roles, and Minds - Identity in Peony Pavilion and Peach Blossom Fan

Focusing on two late-Ming or early-Qing plays central to the Chinese canon, this thought-provoking study explores crucial questions concerning personal identity. How is a person, as opposed to a ghost or animal, to be defined? How can any specific person (as distinguished, for example, from an impostor or twin) be identified? Both plays are chuanqi, representatives of a monumental genre that represents Chinese dramatic literature at its most complex: Tang Xianzu’s Peony Pavilion is a romantic comedy in 55 acts, and Kong Shangren’s Peach Blossom Fan narrates the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 40 acts.

Tags: Chinese, Peach, Blossom, plays, Pavilion
A Time to Dance - Virginia's Civil War Diary

A Time to Dance - Virginia's Civil War Diary

Grade 3-6 -In this third installment of Virginia's diary, the war has just ended and the Dickens family moves to New York City. Pa is a musician, but has difficulty finding jobs until he takes in music students. Virginia helps out with her baby nephew, but later gets a job as a dresser for the actresses at a theater. This opens up the world of plays and words to the 11-year-old and helps support her family's modest income.
Tags: Virginia, family, helps, world, plays
Three Plays: The Political Theater of Howard Zinn

Three Plays: The Political Theater of Howard ZinnThree Plays: The Political Theater of Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn is a celebrated historian and social activist best known for A People’s History of the United States. His many highly acclaimed books include You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train  and Three Strikes . Zinn lives near Boston.

Reuploaded Thanks to algy


Tags: Three, Howard, Beacon, 7127-4, Train, Political, Theater, Plays
Truth - Central Problems of Philosophy

Truth - Central Problems of Philosophy

Engel argues that, although the minimalist conception of truth is basically right, it does not follow that truth can be eliminated from our philosophical thinking, as is claimed by some radical deflationists. In particular, he shows that some deflationist views have a definitively relativist and "postmodernist" ring and should be rejected. Even if a metaphysically substantive theory of truth has little chance to succeed, he argues, truth plays a central role as a norm or guiding value of our rational inquiries and practices in the philosophy of knowledge and in ethics.
Tags: truth, argues, succeed, plays, central