Play for Sick Children: Play Specialists in Hospitals and Beyond
"Play for Sick Children" offers a unique insight into the crucial work of the play specialist. It examines the repercussions of being ill and receiving treatment experienced by children and their families, and highlights the importance of receiving quality play opportunities to counter these negative effects.
New Opportunities Elementary. Russian Edition. CLASS CDs
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | Black Hole | 8 December 2009
New Opportunities - новое издание популярного учебника, созданное специально для российских школ.
Впервые в книгу для учащихся включены разделы по истории и культуре России. Новые разделы в рабочей тетради, Exam Zones и Skills Corners, написанные в соответствии с требованиями российских программ, позволяют эффективно сочетать изучение английского языка и подготовку к ЕГЭ.
Три аудиодиска к курсу New Opportunities Russian Edition (Elementary) в формате MP3.
Разделены на треки.
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(It came with the Hungarian Edition, but the software is fully in English.)
Over 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course of choice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, New Opportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. New Opportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who want to give their students education for life!
Over 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course of choice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, New Opportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. New Opportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who want to give their students education for life!
Over 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course of choice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, New Opportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. New Opportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who want to give their students education for life!