The Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series is designed to provide quick access to the essential information needed to evaluate a patient on a subspecialty consult service. The Washington Manual of Hematology and Oncology subspecialty consult has been completely reviewed, revised, and follows the bulleted format and template of The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33/e to allow for quick,readily accessible information.
Unlike any other species, humans can learn and use language. This book explains how the brain evolved to make language possible, through what Michael Arbib calls the Mirror System Hypothesis. Because of mirror neurons, monkeys, chimps, and humans can learn by imitation, but only "complex imitation," which humans exhibit, is powerful enough to support the breakthrough to language. This theory provides a path from the openness of manual gesture, which we share with nonhuman primates, through the complex imitation of manual skills, pantomime, protosign (communication based on conventionalized manual gestures), and finally to protospeech.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides invaluable guidance on all aspects of the writing process, from the ethics of authorship to the word choice that best reduces bias in language. Well-known for its authoritative and easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, and tone that will result in strong, simple, and elegant scientific communication.
A School Manual of English Composition for Advanced Grammar grades
This little book is not an addition to the already large number of rhetorics and other works on the theory and mysteries of style. It is strictly a manual for school-work, and has been made with special reference to the rational remodelling recently accomplished, or now in the way of being accomplished, in the Courses of Study in our public schools-a remodelling in which language-training for the first time receives the attention that is its due.
Added by: Eugenius | Karma: 1034.27 | Coursebooks » ESP | 19 August 2013
Talking Business
The aims of this manual are: TALKING and BUSINESS. That is why the manual has such a name and contains communicative practice activities on 8 business topics. The activities are accordingly assembled in 8 units. The aim of each unit is to involve students into realization of the project on the topic concerned. The units provide video material that will help to vary the units and make them more visual.
The manual provides the opportunity to develop business communication skills and is intended for School of Finance and Banking students due to the set of topics relevant for their specializations. Also it can be used by any students eager to develop business communication skills.