VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT was written especially for you. The program was designed to enrich your personal “word bank” with many hundreds of high-frequency and challenging words. There are six thematic books in the series—Everyday Living Words, Workplace and Career Words, Science and Technology Words, Media and Marketplace Words, History and Geography Words, and Music, Art, and Literature Words. Each worktext presents topic-related readings with key terms in context. Follow-up exercises provide a wide variety of practice activities to help you unlock the meanings of unfamiliar words. These strategies include the study of synonyms and antonyms; grammatical word forms; word roots, prefixes, and suffixes; connotations; and the efficient use of a dictionary and thesaurus. Thinking skills, such as drawing conclusions and completing analogies, are included as reinforcement.
The chronology tracks the evolution of fantasy from the origins of literature to the 21st century. The introduction explains the nature of the impulses creating and shaping fantasy literature, the problems of its definition and the reasons for its changing historical fortunes.
"What is Literature?" challenges anyone who writes as if literature could be extricated from history or society. But Sartre does more than indict. He offers a definitive statement about the phenomenology of reading, and he goes on to provide a dashing example of how to write a history of literature that takes ideology and institutions into account.
Beginning with the striking covers, McDougal Littell Literature invites students to explore the world of art, literature, and life’s big questions. The unique organization around clusters of standards allows for the teaching of major literary concepts across genre. A full-page of fine art or photography at the beginning of every selection builds background, sets cultural context, and supports literary study – without giving away the ending.
Небольшие по объему рассказы Рекса Стаута можно использовать для чтения и обсуждения на уроках в школе и для самостоятельного чтения дома. Тексты рассказов адаптированы в учебных целях до уровня Рге-Intermediate и сопровождаются комментарием, а также заданиями для отработки и закрепления навыков владения грамматическим и лексическим материалом. В конце пособия приводится англо-русский словарь. Книга адресована учащимся средних и старших классов школ, лицеев и гимназий. Данный сборник может стать незаменимым помощником преподавателя при подготовке экзаменационного материала по чтению. Уровень адаптации и тематический подбор текстов позволяет использовать книгу для самостоятельного чтения студентам неязыковых вузов и взрослым читателям, изучающим или изучавшим английский язык, которым необходима такого рода практика.