Talking Trinity: Initial Stage: Preparation for the Trinity Examinations: Grades 1-3 Teacher's Book The Trinity College London examinations in spoken English provide a structured framework to encourage students to improve their oral skills using language that is appropriate to their needs.
Why is this book still so needed, not only by students but by their parents who want so badly for them to do well?
Improve Your Writing presents all the elements important to turning in excellent research papers. This step-by-step walk-through includes: selecting a topic, library research, developing an outline, writing from the first to the final draft, proofreading, and more. New to this edition is an effective introduction to online research.
Teach a Child to ReadMany parents blame their child for being lazy. They don't realize that their child is missing necessary tools for better reading.
You can't build a house without hammer and nails! Begin by looking at his personal gaps in reading skills. Test his knowledge of alphabet letters and sounds.
So let's begin to help your child improve in reading!
Dedicated to the thousands of children who need to improve their reading skills, and to their parents who want to help them succeed.
Magazine printed in Germany for German-speaking people (NOT ONLY; all the entries/articles are in English, with some words/idioms translated into German) who want to improve their English.