Study guide provides an overview of the most important topics and current debates covered in Human Resource Management (HRM) field. It aims to focus on one of the most important assets in organisations: people. The guide provides an understanding of what HRM is, how it functions and how people can be effectively managed as a resource in the 21st Century. It concentrates on the basics of organisational behaviour and HRM. It approaches HR issues by laying down the basic organisational factors that affect employees at work.
"Undoubtedly, The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong, known as Hanjungnok (Records Written in Silence), are one of the most important and moving pieces of traditional Korean literature. Written as carefully crafted autobiographical records, the work is a rare historical document that vividly depicts the daily life at the Korean royal court in the second half of the eighteenth century. As such, it is a unique and historically invaluable insider's account. . . . Haboush must be congratulated for an exemplary annotated translation that preserves the tone and color of the original texts.
Muscle Gene TherapyMuscle disease represents an important health threat to the general population. Unlike diseases affecting other tissues/organs, therapeutic options are quite limited for many inherited muscle diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. There is essentially no cure. Gene therapy holds great promise to correct the genetic defects and eventually achieve full recovery in these diseases. This book will bring together the leaders in the field of muscle gene transfer to provide an updated overview on the progress of muscle gene therapy. It will also highlight important clinical applications of muscle gene therapy.
Any novelist who deals with Elizabeth I has two problems: a surfeit of detail and a paucity of motive. It’s reasonably easy to find out about the trivia of daily life and to trace the actions of important people; much less easy to figure out why anyone did what they did.
Emile François Zola; 2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was a French writer, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism and an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism.
- Nana - The Miller's Daughter - Captain Burle - The Death of Olivier Becaille