House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East
Evocative and beautifully written, House of Stone . . . should be read by anyone who wishes to understand the agonies and hopes of the Middle East. Kai Bird, Pulitzer Prize winning historian and author of Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
Poor Hermit Crab! He's outgrown his snug little shell, so he finds himself a larger one -- and many new friends to decorate and protect his new house. But what will happen when he outgrows this shell, and has to say good-bye to all the sea creatures who have made Hermit Crab's house a home?
A posthumous publication of the celebrated English writer's journal chronicles a year of observing and reflecting on nature.
Roald Dahl had an abiding love for and interest in nature. He kept notes about the habits of moles and foxes, the colour and song of birds and the different flowers, plants and berries that blossomed in the countryside around his home, Gipsy House, throughout the year. In the last year of his life he worked on a diary. But what was originally intended to be a few lines turned into a memorable account of the passing year.
Джеймс, Монтегю Родс ( James, Montague Rhodes) 1862-1936. Английский писатель, автор многочисленных рассказов о привидениях, признанных классикой жанра. Блестящий лингвист, палеограф, специалист по истории средних веков. Автор сборников: "Привидения из антиквария" (Ghost Stories of an Antiquary) (1904), "Еще рассказы о привидениях из антиквария" (More Ghost Stories of an Antiquary) (1911) и др. Reuploaded Thanks to Eugenius