Booth, a London publisher who has taught philosophy and theology at Oxford, is not shy about what he expects from readers—he asks that they enter into an imaginative exercise and embrace a world in which the basic facts of history can be interpreted in a way which is almost completely the opposite of the way we normally understand them. That radical re-interpretation is based on the tenets offered in the secret teachings of Rosicrucians, esoteric Freemasonry, Sufism and Kabbalism, among others, with additional references to Eastern religions and Greek and Roman mythology.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 9 August 2011
Symbols of Freemasonry
There are over ten million freemasons in the world. The supposed power of their occult network is often feared, and yet freemasonry is not a closed doctrine. Richly illustrated, Symbols of Freemasonry provides a synthesis of one of mankind's oldest existing secular brotherhoods. It is designed both for the initiated and for newcomers interested in gaining a better understanding of this fascinating but often misrepresented society.
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An ambitious, original work, The Politics of Sociability is Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann's exploration of the social and political significance of Freemasonry in German history. Drawing on de Tocqueville's theory that without civic virtue there is no civil society, and that civic virtue unfolds only through the social interaction between citizens, Hoffmann examines the critical link between Freemasonry and the evolution of German civil society in the late nineteenth century. The practice of Masonic sociability reflected an enlightened belief in the political significance of moral virtue for civil society
The Secret History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 8 April 2011
The Secret History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar
Explores the hidden history of Freemasonry from ancient Rome, through the Middle Ages, to the present• Shows the close connection between medieval masons and the Knights Templar• Illustrates the sacred nature of Roman and medieval trade associations• Reveals the missing link that connects the lodges of modern Freemasonry to the medieval brotherhoods of buildersHistorians often make a sharp distinction between the operative Masonry of the Middle Ages and the speculative Masonry of modern times, emphasizing that there is no direct bridge connecting the two. Modern historians also have scoffed at Masonic claims concerning the close relationship between the Lodge and the Temple.
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The Initiation into the Ancient Persian Magi, and a Curious Legend of Hiram Abif, Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba; Attempts to Exterminate Freemasonry; Leo Taxil's Remarkable Books About Murder, the Devil, Women and the Black Mass in the High Degrees of Masonry; The Morgan Affair; The Tradition and the Evolution of the First Three Degrees of Freemasonry; The Origin and Structure of the York And Scottish Rites, and Their Relations; Landmarks of Freemasonry Defined and Its Universality as a Secret Fraternity.