MATH IN FOCUS: The Singapore Approach is the world-class math curriculum from Singapore adapted for US classrooms based on updated math standards. Student Book A and Student Book B (consumable) are packed with carefully-sequenced examples, each followed by its own guided practice to ensure mastery. Colorful illustrations and detailed graphics engage students. Student Book A is conveniently designed for use in the first half of the year and Student Book B for the second half of the year.
"This book includes the most up-to-date thinking, tools, models, instruments and case studies necessary to identify, lead, and manage talent within your organization and with a focus on results. It provides it all—from thought leadership to real-world practice."
The story-based approach presents new language through imaginative stories and those which reflect the world of the child. The materials focus on listening and speaking and introduce reading and writing only in the second level.
Contemporary Topics The three-level Contemporary Topics series gives students practice in the skills they need for academic success. Students of English develop listening and note-taking skills as they listen and respond to lectures from diverse disciplines. Features New to the Second Edition: * Focus on corpus-based academic vocabulary * Realistic recordings of classroom lectures * Cumulative Note-Taking tips in each unit * Listening quizzes for each unit in the audio program.
Audio for level 3 reuploaded. Thanks to goluboglazaya