Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Human Dimensions
Underlying these categories, shared meanings are revealed, as well as core values and health beliefs in Chinese culture. The complex human dimensions of TCM are shown to be deeply rooted in social, cultural and historical contexts in the Chinese diaspora. The author draws from and extends her PhD research on lived Chinese experiences and conceptions of TCM across diverse individuals, populations, two focus groups in Australia, and three focus groups in Macau and Hong Kong.
Ferguson's Careers in Focus books are a great value for libraries and career centers. Written in an easy-to-understand yet informative style, this comprehensive series surveys a wide array of commonly held jobs and is arranged into volumes organized by specific industries and interests. Each of these informative books is loaded with up-to-date career information presented in 16 to 25 job articles.
Ideal for using in the classroom or for self-study. Four complete practice tests reflecting exactly the level and types of questions to be found in the exam A full-range of exam task-types Practice and guidance pages for each part of each exam paper Focus on common problem areas
As a scientist, Albert Einstein is undoubtedly the most epic among 20th-century thinkers. Albert Einstein as a man, however, has been a much harder portrait to paint, and what we know of him as a husband, father, and friend is fragmentary at best. With Einstein: His Life and Universe, Walter Isaac son (author of the bestselling biographies Benjamin Franklin and Kissinger) brings Einstein's experience of life, love, and intellectual discovery into brilliant focus.
Japan (Asia in Focus)This volume focuses on an often misunderstood nation with vast economic and cultural influence in the United States and around the world. It combines thoroughly up-to-date coverage of Japan's history, geography, politics, economics, and society, with a range of helpful reference tools.
Delving deeper than typical reference books, Asia in Focus: Japan is the ideal authoritative introduction to Japanese life for students, businesspeople, travelers, and other interested readers. The volume offers a contemporary look at the Japanese economy, extensive cultural coverage