Since its original publication in 2000, Game Theory Evolving has been considered the best textbook on evolutionary game theory. This completely revised and updated second edition of Game Theory Evolving contains new material and shows students how to apply game theory to model human behavior in ways that reflect the special nature of sociality and individuality. The textbook continues its in-depth look at cooperation in teams, agent-based simulations, experimental economics, the evolution and diffusion of preferences, and the connection between biology and economics.
Discover Magazine: provides its readers with immediate access to startling developments in science, technology and medicine with a renewed emphasis on how those breakthroughs affect their world. The world is evolving faster than ever. New technologies are influencing every
Starbucked: A Double Tall Tale of Caffeine, Commerce, and Culture
Added by: niketeen | Karma: 100.01 | Other | 11 August 2009
STARBUCKED combines investigative heft with witty cultural observation in telling the story of how the coffeehouse movement changed our everyday lives, from our evolving neighborhoods and workplaces to the ways we shop, socialize, and self-medicate.
People have been communicating through visual imagery for centuries. Before there were written words, there were pictographs, cave paintings and hieroglyphics. Archeological discoveries suggest that symbolic, iconic images used by the ancient Egyptians as a form of written communication represent the oldest forms of writing. Ancient cultures in China, Mesopotamia and the Americas also first used similar iconic systems before evolving native alphabets and modern written language systems.
The Evolving Brain - The Mind and the Neural Control of Behavior
The material discussed in this book may be of interest, not only to neuroscientists and psychologists, but also to animal behaviorists, anthropologists, evolutionary biologists, neurologists, philosophers, psychiatrists, and others interested in the general field of the brain, behavior and the mind.