Learning from Young Children - Research in Early Childhood Music
Learning from Young Children - Research in Early Childhood Music presents research on the importance of fostering musical growth during early childhood. With research designs ranging from statistical, mixed methods, survey, content analysis, and case study, to philosophical inquiry, this book will practitioners base their practice in research and offers a wide range of information for scholars and researchers studying early childhood music learning and development.
Emergent Literacy and Language Development - Promoting Learning in Early Childhood
This concise, accessible book explores the connection between language acquisition and emergent literacy skills, and how this sets the stage for later literacy development. Chapters address formative early experiences such as speaking and listening, being read to, and talking about print concepts and the alphabet. Written for early childhood professionals, reading specialists, and speech–language pathologists, the book describes effective assessment and instructional approaches for fostering language learning and emergent literacy in typically developing children and those at risk for language delays.
In this riveting and surprising personal history, John Lithgow shares a backstage view of his own struggle, crisis, and discovery, revealing the early life and career that took place out of the public eye and before he became a nationally known star.
A Mathematician's Survival Guide - Graduate School and Early Career Development
Graduate school marks the first step toward a career in mathematics for young mathematicians. During this period, they make important decisions which will affect the rest of their careers. Here now is a detailed guide to help students navigate graduate school and the years that follow.
Pliny's Praise: The Panegyricus in the Roman World
Pliny's Panegyricus (AD 100) survives as a unique example of senatorial rhetoric from the early Roman Empire. It offers an eyewitness account of the last years of Domitian's principate, the reign of Nerva and Trajan's early years, and it communicates a detailed senatorial view on the behaviour expected of an emperor. It is an important document in the development of the ideals of imperial leadership, but it also contributes greatly to our understanding of imperial political culture more generally.