Islands Magazine - escape to the world's most seductive getaways. ISLANDS takes you there... in six spectacular issues a year. From the Caribbean to South Pacific, from Tahiti to the Greek Isles, ISLANDS explores the most beautiful and exotic places on earth. You'll want to pack your bags after each issue that sparkles with outstanding photography.
The Inner Solar System: The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Ancient people around the globe once believed the Moon, Sun, planets, and stars were gods and goddesses, demons and angels revolving around Earth, the centre of their universe. Little did they know that Earth is a mere speck in a vast universe. It took many centuries for people to realize that Earth isn’t even the centre of our solar system. It is, however, one of the components of what’s known as the inner solar system— comprised of the Sun, four terrestrial planets, and the moons that orbit them...
Making the Good Life Last: Four Keys to Sustainable Living
The Sustainable Life Is the Good Life In our materialist culture, the idea of "the good life"--fancy cars, designer clothes, once-in-a-lifetime vacations--leaves even those few who can afford it feeling anxious, empty, and dissatisfied. Michael Schuler deconstructs the assumption that consumption and constant stimulation equal happiness.
Water covers more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface, and all of it is connected in the never-ending water cycle. A substance that can cut through solid rock, destroy cities, sculpt mountains and coastlines, and affect climate, water is a mighty force in nature. The power of moving water, such as in rivers, changes Earth’s landscape, creating valleys and deep canyons over time.
Climate change from a philosophical and ethical perspective. This book is about climate change. It will contribute to your understanding of what is happening and why it is happening. The objective is to show how climate change raises not only a number of questions to do with natural science, but also many questions of a more universal nature that are based on philosophical, political, ethical and religious assumptions about how the world is and how it should be.