The Two Eyes of the Earth - Art and Ritual of Kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran
This pioneering study examines a pivotal period in the history of Europe and the Near East. Spanning the ancient and medieval worlds, it investigates the shared ideal of sacred kingship that emerged in the late Roman and Persian empires.
Wherever you live or travel, geology is everywhere. Wouldn't you like to know how to read the rocks and landscape; how to make sense of debates over natural resources; and how to appreciate the "deep time" that governs a geologist's sweeping perspective? These 36 half-hour lectures are your initiation into the geological world that lies just outside your door. The Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology introduces you to physical geology, the study of Earth's minerals, rocks, soils, and the processes that operate on them through time.
They shake the ground underfoot, causing tremors that, at their worst, can leave cracks in highways and topple buildings. But for the most part, earthquakes are constantly rumbling through the Earth with a force that's barely detectable. But why do they occur? In All About Earthquakes, children will examine the forces at work that cause earthquakes and discover the instruments that scientists use to predict and measure these earthly tremors.
For a telepathic twin on an exploratory space voyage only a few years pass, yet, when he returns to Earth his brother is ready to celebrate his ninetieth birthday.
THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH is a collection of short stories from one of the masters of science fiction who has held readers spellbound for over thirty years.