CONTENTS Ideology and the Social Imaginary Symbolic Violence Theories of Ideology and Methods of Discourse Analysis Methods of discourse analysis some open issues
The question of whether music has meaning has been the subject of sustained debate ever since music became a subject of academic inquiry. Is music a language? Does it communicate specific ideas and emotions? What does music mean, and how does this meaning occur? Kofi Agawu's Music as Discourse promises to quickly become a standard and definitive work in musical semiotics.
The Syntax and Semantics of Discourse Markers: Continuum Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
This is a thorough overview of work on discourse markers covering a variety of approaches, from discourse analysis to computational linguistics. In this book, Miriam Urgelles-Col examines the syntax and semantics of discourse markers. A discourse marker can loosely be defined as an item such as well or now, coming at the beginning of an utterance and marking a boundary between one part of spoken discourse and the next, signalling the start of a new section of the discourse.
This volume is concerned with the discourse of history, from the complementary perspectives of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Systematic Functional Linguistics (SFL) - covering a range of discourse about the past, including discourses of the academic discipline of history. It deals with the construction of time and value in a post-colonial (and post-WWII) world where discourses of or about history and the past are central to on-going processes of reconciliation, debates on war crimes and restitution.
This engaging introduction offers a critical approach to discourse. Organised along thematic lines, the book begins with an outline of the basic principles, moving on to examine the methods and theory of CDA (critical discourse analysis). It covers topics such as text and context, language and inequality, choice and determination, history and process, ideology and identity. This concise introduction will be welcomed by students and researchers in linguistics, linguistic anthropology and the sociology of language.