Kinds of determiners - 2014
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 28 July 2014 |
Kinds of determiners - 2014 -
There are different kinds of determiners.
Articles – a, an, the
Possessive pronouns – his, yours, theirs, ours, whose etc.
Numbers – one, two, three etc.
Indefinite pronouns – few, more, each, every, either, all, both, some, any etc.
Demonstrative pronouns – this, that, these, those, such
Tags: pronouns, determiners, every, these, Demonstrative, Kinds, Indefinite, three |
Demonstrative Adjectives [infographic] - 2014
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 28 May 2014 |
Demonstrative Adjectives [infographic - 2014
Learn what demonstrative adjectives are and how to use them with a helpful infographic. |
Tags: infographic, Demonstrative, Adjectives, helpful, demonstrative, adjectives |
 This is a Doctoral Thesis written by Andreea S. Calude from University of Auckland, Australia in 2007. |
Tags: Demonstrative, ThesisDissertation, Clefts, Spoken, English |