Are extraterrestrials providing the military with alien technology in exchange for carte blanche abduction rights? Are crop circles the pranks of drunken Englishmen or just alien graffiti? Who, really, are Men in Black, and why are they making movies? UFO culture has penetrated America with a vengeance and UFOs and Popular Culture: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Mythology examines these questions and more.
It is the first fun and scientific analysis of cyber-culture ever written. What's astounding about this book is that Leary conceptualizes Cyberia like no one before or since has done, with crystal-clear vision, irreverent wit, and razor-sharp insight. Many of his ideas in this book, and it was written a few years ago, have already diluted into the popular culture through magazines, television, and movies. This book epitomizes the philosophy of the future which we are creating in the present. It is a manual of the future written by one man who has seen it.