World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | --- | 24 August 2007 |
World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems
This fully updated version of the original 1989 edition of the World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems describes the national law enforcement and correctional systems of more than 195 countries across the globe. Under the editorial direction of authorities from the World Future Society, National Criminal Justice Reference Service and eight universities, including the universities of Illinois and South Carolina, the Encyclopedia provides both statistical and analytical information. Following a consistent, user-friendly format, each country overview explores topics such as the history, organization, administrative structure, chains of command, modes of operation, technology and firearms of each area.
Entries are accompanied by historical and thematic essays that provide context as well as ideas for further study. The 215 A-to-Z articles are enlivened with more than 200 visuals, including maps, tables, charts and graphs that offer concrete illustrations of concepts and more than 100 photographs that clarify and illuminate the text. Other features of this two-volume set include useful reference tools such as a bibliography and a subject index. Edited by: bukka - 22 November 2009Reason: new link added
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Tags: Encyclopedia, World, Correctional, Systems, Police |