Mastering Communication at Work: How to Lead, Manage, and Influence
Communication is a make-or-break skill for leaders and managers in every industry and workplace. Mastering Communication at Work delivers the skills you need to build your confidence, motivate your people, and, ultimately, enact measurable change throughout your organization. Even people who seem to have a natural gift for leadership must practice the nuances of how they communicate every day. With the help of this book, anyone can learn the craft of powerful communication, and top performers can continuously hone their technique.
Elementary Communication Games For Creative Teachers of English
Великолепная книга с ксерокопируемыми материалами. Коллекция из 40 игр подойдет для решения многих проблем на уроках. Кроме того, материалы легко доработать самому, адаптировать для любой темы.
This is the first of three books in the "Communication Games" series. It offers a collection of 40 games, a variety of activities, including guessing, matching, searching, role-play and simulation, specific functional areas for each activity and photocopiable copy-masters.
New version ( cleaned and improved ) added Thanks to statsenko
The ability to communicate in print and person is essential to the life of a successful scientist. But since writing is often secondary in scientific education and teaching, there remains a significant need for guides that teach scientists how best to convey their research to general and professional audiences. The Craft of Scientific Communication will teach science students and scientists alike how to improve the clarity, cogency, and communicative power of their words and images.
This text is comprehensive, user-friendly handbook that will guide students through the full range of written and spoken communication skills that are demanded by today's biosciences courses. The book also offers a valuable refresher for postgraduate students who wish to review or expand their proficiency in these areas. This book will provide the student with practical advice on how best to communicate scientific material to different audiences including their peers, their tutors and to non-scientists.