Is consciousness like an iceberg? Does advertising lead to the commodification of humans? What is the hidden meaning of fairy tales? In 50 Ways to Understand Communication, Arthur Asa Berger familiarizes readers with important concepts written by leading communication and cultural theorists, such as Saussure, LZvi-Strauss, de Certeau, Lasswell, McLuhan, Postman, and many others. Organized in fifty short segments, this concise guide covers a wide range of important ideas from psychoanalysis and semiology to humor, 'otherness,' and nonverbal communication.
In the videos Jennifer explains her view on teaching slang and shares the first of several mini lessons. Dialogues in this series of lessons are broken down to 3 components to show the (1)expressions, changes in (2)pronunciation, and changes in (3)grammar that are common in informal English. Levels: high intermediate to advanced.
Пособие содержит тексты, комментарий к текстам и расширенную систему упражнений для развития навыков устной речи В качестве текстов использованы рассказы и новеллы современных английских и американских авторов.
The manual contains the text , commentary on the texts and the expanded system of exercises for the development oral communication skills As the texts used stories and novels of contemporary British and American authors. book in English
English Way is a complete series of DVDs from Beginner to Advanced Level. Each lesson is composed of a sitcom and a grammar section with a native teacher. This course is designed to develop oral communication skills and build learner confidence.
This Handbook provides a comprehensive statement and reference point for theory, research and practice with regard to environment and communication, and it does this from a perspective which is both international and multi-disciplinary in scope. Offering comprehensive critical reviews of the history and state of the art of research into the key dimensions of environmental communication, the chapters of this handbook together demonstrate the strengths of multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to understanding the centrality of communication to how the environment is constructed, and indeed contested, socially, politically and culturally.