Perfect Writing with Preparation for The New SAT and TOEFL Tests 3rd Edition
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | TOEFL, SAT | 8 December 2021
In this introduction, our two authors, Marc Handler and Valerie De Carvalho, explain why writing skills are so important. In her essay “Why Writing Skills Are Essential for Students,” De Carvalho discusses the importance of writing skills in American universities and colleges. As she points out, the trend in academia is to place even more emphasis on writing. Students may grumble about having to write so many essays, but American colleges, in response to the demands of American employers, are insisting that students write essays in a wide range of classes, not just in English classes.
Better English Usage: Express Yourself Clearly (Webster's Word Power)
Useful to both students of Standard English in schools and colleges as well as learners of English as a foreign language. This book explains common mistakes in English and how to correct your use of the language. Useful to both students of Standard English in schools and colleges as well as learners of English as a foreign language. This book explains English in contemporary use.
Handbook for Student Affairs in Community Colleges
In addressing the unique issues related to the delivery of student services in the community college setting, this book fills a longstanding need to provide practitioners with a contextual framework for their work. Starting by providing the historical context to the development of student affairs in community colleges, this handbook describes the organization of key functions and current practice, and looks at the specific constraints, opportunities, changes and future challenges that practitioners face.
English for Colleges. Английский язык для колледжей
Составлено по целевому и тематическому принципу и включает в себя вводно-коррективный курс, основной курс, грамматический справочник, глоссарий контекстуальных значений активной лексики. Текстовый материал, система упражнений, составленные на высоком научно-методическом уровне, представляют собой прекрасную базу для взаимосвязанного развития навыков и умений основных видов речевой деятельности, систематизации грамматического материала, расширения словарного запаса обучаемых.