This penetrating analysis is the first comprehensive study by a professional historian of British history from 1945 to the present day. It examines the transformation of post-war Britain from the planning enthusiasm of 1945 to the rise of New Labour. Using a wide variety of sources, including the records of political parties and the most recently released documents from the Public Records Office, Kenneth Morgan brings the story right up to date and draws comparisons with the post-war history of other nations.
'I see Troy in flames years from now - because Paris brings disaster to us,' Queen Hecuba says about her son. Paris's father, King Priam, wants to kills him. But Paris lives, and later loves Helen - King Menelaus's queen - from Greece. When Paris brings Helen to Troy, war begins between the Trojans and Greeks. What happens when Paris's brother Hector and the Greek fighter Achilles meet in battle? Who wins the war, and how? Read Troy and find the answers.
Our World is a suite of learning materials from National Geographic Learning that brings age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Fun and fascinating information about the real world, with stunning images and video, gives learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English! Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that brings the world into the classroom – and the classroom to life!
Despite their commercial appeal and cross-media reach, superheroes are only recently starting to attract sustained scholarly attention. This groundbreaking collection brings together essays and book excerpts by major writers on comics and popular culture.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 19 June 2016
As poignant as Niall Fregusson's The Pity of War, as powerful as John Keegan's The First World War, this is an engrossing eye-witness history of World War I. From the trenches to the battle lines, in bold advances and fighting retreats and courageous stands, this oral chronicle of World War I by award-winning historian Lyn Macdonald brings to life the massive German offensive of Spring 1918 that became the Second Battle of Somme.