For many people, Clive James will always be a TV presenter first and foremost, and a writer second -- this despite the fact that his adventures with the written word took place before, during and after his time on the small screen. Nevertheless, for those who remember clips of Japanese ...
Blaze is a big man, with a dent in his forehead from where his dad chucked him down the stairs and and inability to make a move without George, his wily accomplice in crime. George might be mean sometimes, but he tells Blaze how to do everything - from the right way to steal a car, to the one big job that will set them up for life. REUPLOAD NEEDED
Added by: koopfish | Karma: 10033.53 | Fiction literature | 27 July 2009
В данной истории рассказывается о расследовании похищения коня по имени Silver Blaze (в русском переводе его называют Серебряный) и об убийстве его тренера. Текст – оригинальный (не адаптированный). Публикация содержит: 1. Отдельный текст по-английски 2. Отдельный текст по-русски 3. Синхронизированные тексты по-русски и по-английски 4. Частотный словарь использованных в тексте слов (всего - 1450 штук) 5. Аудио по-английски. AUDIO in English, Texts - in English and Russian
10. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Silver Blaze
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