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One Good Turn

One Good TurnOne Good Turn

Kate Atkinson - One Good Turn

It is summer, it is the Edinburgh Festival. People queuing for a lunchtime show witness a road-rage incident - an incident which changes the lives of everyone involved. Jackson Brodie, ex-army, ex-police, ex-private detective, is also an innocent bystander - until he becomes a suspect. With "Case Histories", Kate Atkinson showed how brilliantly she could explore the crime genre and make it her own.

Tags: incident, Atkinson, until, becomes, bystander
The Malloreon 02 - King of the Murgos

The Malloreon 02 - King of the MurgosThe Malloreon 02 - King of the Murgos

King Belgarion and Queen Ce'Nedra are still searching for their kidnapped son Geran in this second volume of The Mallorean, Eddings's sequel to his bestselling fantasy series The Belgariad. After pursuing the Bear Cult in the last book, they now have information that the culprit is actually the evil Zandramas. Despite the seeming urgency of their quest, the journey becomes almost leisurely as the company, including the ancient sorcerer Belgarath, his daughter Polgara and the spy called Silk, stop repeatedly along the way.
Tags: their, becomes, almost, leisurely, company, Malloreon, Murgos, quest, journey
The Blind Owl

The Blind OwlThe Blind Owl

Considered the most important work of modern Iranian literature, The Blind Owl is a haunting tale of loss and spiritual degradation. Replete with potent symbolism and terrifying surrealistic imagery, Sadegh Hedayat's masterpiece details a young man's despair after losing a mysterious lover. And as the narrator gradually drifts into frenzy and madness, the reader becomes caught in the sandstorm of Hedayat's bleak vision of the human condition. The Blind Owl, which has been translated into many foreign languages, has often been compared to the writing of Edgar Allan Poe.
Tags: Hedayat, Blind, caught, bleak, sandstorm, becomes, reader
One Day

One DayOne Day

The Hollywood-ready latest from Nicholls (The Understudy) makes a brief pit stop in book form before its inevitable film adaptation. (It's already in development.) The episodic story takes place during a single day each year for two decades in the lives of Dex and Em. Dexter, the louche public school boy, and Emma, the brainy Yorkshire lass, meet the day they graduate from university in 1988 and run circles around one another for the next 20 years. Dex becomes a TV presenter whose life of sex, booze, and drugs spins out of control, while Em dully slogs her way through awful jobs before becoming the author of young adult books.
Tags: before, becomes, presenter, booze, drugs
The Berenstain Bears Soccer Star

The Berenstain Bears Soccer StarThe Berenstain Bears Soccer Star

Brother Bear is frustrated about being too small for many sports until he kicks everything in sight and becomes a great soccer star.
Tags: great, becomes, sight, soccer, Berenstain, Soccer, Bears, everything