"Physical Geodesy", published in 1967, has for many years been considered as the standard introduction to its field. The enormous progress since then has required a complete reworking. While basic material has been retained other parts are completely updated. However, there is a seamless welding of new ideas and methods (GPS, satellites, collocation). Highlights include: emphasis on global integration of geometry and gravity, a simplified approach to Molodensky's theory without integral equations, and a general combination of all geodetic data by least-squares collocation. In the second edition minor mistakes have been corrected.
This is a small book but it contains a great deal of practical and useful material to apply with children who may be suffering from dyslexia. It is an invaluable book for teachers and parents wishing to help their children whether they suffer from dyslexia or from some other condition impeding development towards being able to read and spell. This is an amalgamation of the Miles' earliest books in this area, updated, with firmer indications that the approach is effective provided in the introduction. The book is eminently concise, clear and readable. It offers teachers and parents sensible, structured advice on a rule-governed phonic approach to spelling and reading together with a brief section on practical approaches to calculation.
Course on algebra for students from grades 8 to 10. Discovering Algebra will help you reach more of your students with meaningful activities that help them connect abstract mathematical concepts to concrete experiences.
The Lexical Approach develops many of the fundamental principles avanced by proponents of Communicative Approaches . The most important difference is the increased understanding of nature of lexis in natutrally occurring langugae, and its potential contribution to langaue pedagogy
Compared to the literature on translation theory, on the best way to translate a text or on how to become a professional translator, publications on translation training per se are scarce. Most of these follow a teacher-centred approach to classroom dynamics with a bias towards teaching translation starting off with professional standards.