Differential and integral equations involve important mathematical techniques, and as such will be encountered by mathematicians, and physical and social scientists, in their undergraduate courses. This text provides a clear, comprehensive guide to first- and second-order ordinary and partial differential equations, whilst introducing important and useful basic material on integral equations. Readers will encounter detailed discussion of the wave, heat and Laplace equations, of Green's functions and their application to the Sturm-Liouville equation, and how to use series solutions, transform methods and phase-plane analysis. The calculus of variations will take them further into the world of applied analysis.
Futures & Options Trader 2009 January Futures & Options Trader is a full-feature digital magazine covering trading strategies, analysis, news, and education specifically for futures and options traders and investors.
This novel and important book brings together insights from cultural studies and critical discourse analysis to examine the fruitful links between the two. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis shows that critical discourse analysis is able to provide the analytic context, skills and tools by which we can study how language constructs, constitutes and shapes the social world and demonstrates in detail how the methodological approach of critical discourse analysis can enhance cultural studies. In a richly argued discussion, the authors show how marrying the methodology of critical discourse analysis with cultural studies enlarges our understanding of gender and ethnicity.
This book is designed to serve three purposes. The first purpose is to define task analysis. In the Part I of the book, we define a structure and a definition of the process. The definition includes a description of the functions of task analysis and the situational variable that affect its performance. In each chapter, we describe the purpose, background, assumptions, and methods fpr performing each kind of task analysis. We also provide examples of each kind of analysis. We evaluate each task analysis method by by describing applications from the literature, alonmg with relative advantages and disadvantgaes of each method.
The volume collects three decades of articles by the distinguished linguist Joan Bybee. Her articles essentially argue for the importance of frequency of use as a factor in the analysis and explanation of language structure. Her work has been very influential for a broad range of researchers in linguistics, particularly in discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, phonology, phonetics amnd historical linguistics.