If Dumas pere were alive today, he would still be Prince of the Potboilers. Here is a tale, never before translated into English, of ghosts and godliness, of rosy-cheeked virgins and dark-visaged villains, every bit as florid and swashbuckling as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. The House of von Eppstein is cursed with a dire secret: the women of the family who die on Christmas Eve actually remain half-alive, returning when it suits their purpose on the anniversary of their death.
In this book, Lindsay offers biographies of 90 female English language mystery writers. Each A-Z entry includes the author's full name, a short biography, a summary of the author's major works and themes, a discussion of the author's critical reception, a bibliography of the author's works separated by series, and a list of works about the author. Appendixes list by year all of the women who have either been nominated or won major mystery awards. The book ends with a bibliography of monographs about women mystery writers and a name and subject index.
Added by: funkylosik | Karma: 1062.12 | Black Hole | 19 November 2009
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Canadian Living is the ultimate source of relevant lifestyle, food information and inspiration for busy women.Canadian Living is the ultimate source of relevant lifestyle, food information and inspiration for busy women.
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Men and women not only have naturally different communication styles, but unique approaches to parenting as well. While mothers tend to overprotect their kids, fathers tend to push them toward independence. And whereas many experts tend to advocate “a united front,” Drs. Kyle and Marsha Pruett reveal how Mom and Dad not always being on exactly the same page— which, initially, may seem to cause conflict— can actually strengthen the whole family.