Trains and boats and planes are all part of a day in the life of globe-trotting Grandmaster Julian Hodgson, as is his constant surveillance of the chessboard in search of some lethal tactical strike. Now, in Chess Travellers Quiz Book, Hodgson reverses roles and. setting the brainteasers himself, challenges readers to find the winning combination in 200 test-yourself positions, all taken from practical play. These are arranged chapter by chapter, in order of increasing difficulty, anticipating that by the time you reach your final destination you will be a keener, sharper, more imaginative player.
Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 4 June 2016
Since its founding in 1923, TIME Magazine has been one of the most authoritative and informative guides to what is happening in the worlds of health and science, politics, business, society and entertainment. Every week, close to 2 million affluent consumers, frequent travellers and senior business people turn to TIME EMEA for award winning coverage of the key issues affecting the region.
Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 4 June 2016
Since its founding in 1923, TIME Magazine has been one of the most authoritative and informative guides to what is happening in the worlds of health and science, politics, business, society and entertainment. Every week, close to 2 million affluent consumers, frequent travellers and senior business people turn to TIME EMEA for award winning coverage of the key issues affecting the region.
The book covers the important information for travellers when they visit Singapore. There are some necessary rules that travellers must know when they come into this wonderful country. They have the opportunities to know abou the Red - Green Channels, Customs Nothings To Declare, Customs Goods To Declare... and many other rules here.
The Monkey King - Penguin Active Reading - Level 4
Monkey is an excitable, selfish creature with magic skills. As a punishment he is sent, by the gods, on a long, hard journey to the west, to protect a young Buddhist priest. The travellers have many advetures on the way. Can they return unharmed?