Interactive Vocabulary supplements a reading text at the introductory level and develops vocabulary for general subjects through thematic readings, interactive exercises, and self-tests. This visually appealing worktext introduces words in context and reinforces their meanings through self-tests, writing assignments, collaborative projects, and games. The chapters and exercises are “scaffolded” so that material presented in previous chapters is reinforced progressively as the student moves through the book. The exercises in Interactive Vocabulary stimulate different learning styles and encourage cross-referencing of the vocabulary words.
Active Vocabulary supplements a reading text at the intermediate level and develops vocabulary for general and academic subjects through thematic readings, interactive exercises, and self-tests. This visually appealing worktext introduces words in context and reinforces their meanings through self-tests, writing assignments, collaborative projects, and games. The chapters and exercises are “scaffolded” so that material presented in previous chapters is reinforced progressively as the student moves through the book. The exercises in Active Vocabulary stimulate different learning styles and encourage cross-referencing of the vocabulary words.
Added by: bonasera | Karma: 15773.31 | Black Hole | 25 January 2017
English Today - Volumes 1-26 - Full Collection
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer. It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM's, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com. There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.
Using a combination of fantasy and factual content, Tracks addresses the stage pupils go through as they learn a new language. These original tales are full of adventures that will keep young learners motivated through each and every class. Lessons include cross-curricular content, personalisation activities and project work, giving pupils the chance to share their own experiences in the classroom as well as countless opportunities for recycling and assessment.
Stepping Stones is a complete three level English course for children in primary schools. - The topics, tasks, activities, games and songs are all designed to make learning enjoyable and to help children use English meaningfully in a variety of contexts. - The syllabus takes into account the children's educational and social development as well as providing through coverage and recycling of key vocabulary, functions, structures and skills. - The step-by-step approach makes Stepping Stones simple to use and very easy to teach.