Added by: dinhluyen2704 | Karma: 406.39 | Black Hole | 25 July 2016
cambridge ielts book 2
The book contains four complete sample IELTS tests,
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Everything aspiring teachers need to pass the exam In 2006–2007, more than 10,000 teachers were certified in California via the CSET Multiple Subjects exam. This revised edition helps aspiring teachers prepare for the exam with subject reviews, two full–length practice tests with answers and detailed explanations, diagnostic tests, and test–taking tips and reminders to put candidates on the right track.
This book offers authentic practice of the First Certificate Exam.
The book includes five practice tests which provide step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise the students' chances of excelling. It all in all provides FCE candidates with plenty of practice opportunities, taking into account the new format of the exam (starting January 2015)
Improve Your Spelling with Lots of Tests and Puzzles
How good is your spelling? If you are never quite sure when i goes before e, or a word ends in ance or ence, this is the book for you. Clear and simple explanations unravel the rules and regulations of English punctuation - as well as all those frustrating exceptions - with special emphasis given to those tricky language problems that people often find difficult. Entertaining puzzles and quizzes enable you to test yourself on what you have learned, and to check your progress.