IELTS Practice Tests 1
Added by: Nursik | Karma: 94.08 | Exam Materials » IELTS | 5 December 2006 |
IELTS Practice Tests 1 На этот раз тесты для подготовки к IELTS от издательства Express Publishing. The book contains four complete tests with reading and writing tests for both the Academic and the General Training versions of the test. |
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Tags: IELTS, tests, Tests, Practice, writing |
601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Coursebooks | 3 December 2006 |
 The new edition of this popular classroom supplement features 40 updated lessons containing word lists, definitions, pronunciation notes, and information on word origins and usage. Exercises, games, and puzzles facilitate vocabulary building, making this title a fine preparation tool for standardized verbal and language tests, notably the SAT and ACT college entrance tests. A new section added to this edition presents a series of brief essay passages that put into context the new words taken from the book’s vocabulary list. Thanks to Dr.Aculla !
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Tags: tests, edition, Words, vocabulary, notably, vocabulary, tests, entrance, section |
FCE_Assorted_Materials - В помощь готовящимся к экзамену FCE
Added by: ihby | Karma: 0 | Exam Materials » FCE | 5 June 2006 |

Сразу много всего в помощь готовящимся сдавать экзамен FCE:
1) FastClass Tests
2) FCE Countdown Tests
3) FCE masterclass Tests + ответы ко всем заданиям в книге (!!!)
4) KnockOut FirstCertificate Tests
Ко всем тестам есть ответы. Всё взято с официального сайта Oxford University Press, склеено в отдельные файлы. |
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Tags: Tests, ответы, помощь, готовящимся, взято |