Задача данного пособия заключается в подготовке к тесту CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). Тест состоит из 5 частей: чтение, письмо, умение использовать язык, слушанье, речь.В сборнике даны 4 варианта полного теста. Stimulating reading and listening texts from a range of sources give students' vital experience in coping with the variety of material in the exam. There are four complete Speaking tests. Authentic sample answers for Paper 2 and the summary writing task in Paper 3 are provided, with marks and helpful assessments.Thanks to taurusn64!
Вторая часть дополнительного пособия к учебнику Briilliant, которая содержит итоговые и промежуточные тесты к третьему и четвёртому уровню учебника.
Google translation:
The book contains 14 intermediate tests at consolidating learning, as well as Final test. All tests cost in time, because the job required only to write the correct answers. The manual includes not only the job mкs, but the job to lexical material. For children 7-11 years
The book contains 10 listening tests and 10 reading tests like the previous FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1 and 2. Alas I have only black and white copy and 1 page is missing