Learn all you need to know about how to generate and manage publicity - from recognizing public relations opportunities to creating and sustaining media coverage. Effective PR shows you not only how to identify and target your audience, but also provides practical techniques for presenting information, whether writing news releases or organizing press conferences and product launches.Concise treatments of dozens of business techniques, skills, methods, and problems are presented with hundreds of photos, charts, and diagrams. It is the most exciting and accessible approach to business and self-improvement available.
Film is an art form with a language and an aesthetic all its own. Since 1979, David Bordwell's and Kristin Thompson's Film Art has been the best-selling and widely respected introduction to the analysis of cinema. While it continues to provide the best introduction to the fundamentals of serious film study, the eighth edition has been revised be more classroom friendly by introducing film techniques earlier in the text, followed by the chapters on Film Genres. Supported by a text-specific Tutorial CD-ROM with video clips
Perfect for all ages and skill levels, the Essential Skills series is at-a-glance reference packed with instant-access, easy-to-understand tips to help you improve your game, your technique, and your creativity. Essential Soccer Skills progresses from beginner basics to advanced techniques, featuring illustrated sequences on how to learn and master key skills, and tips on how to improve your overall form.
PUBLIC RELATIONS WRITING: FORM AND STYLE combines the practical approach of a trade book with the fundamental principles and theories of Public Relations to provide you with the essential techniques and methods needed to write with understanding and purpose.
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We readtoo often, evenin the writings oftranslatorswarnedthat the translationis an art.This formulato containsome truth,howevertends toarbitrarily limitthe nature of ourobject.In factthe translationis an exactdiscipline,withits techniques andspecific problems,andthat is howwe want toconsiderin the pagesthat follow.