When It's Very, Very Hot in Tinga Tinga TalesIt can get very hot in Tinga Tinga Tales, and all the animals have different ways of keeping cool – Tortoise tucks into his shell and Hippo sploshes in the mud. Lion takes a nap in the shade – and best to let him sleep!
Children are going to come to love these African stories, inspired by rich indigenous artwork.
When the Sun Comes Up in Tinga Tinga TalesThe start of each new day in Tinga Tinga Tales is very busy – Hen welcomes her chicks, Elephant wakes up tortoise, and Tickbird makes sure Hippo is clean. And you can’t miss the Tinga birds singing their loud dawn chorus!
Children are going to come to love these African stories, inspired by rich indigenous artwork.
Zen Shorts"Michael," said Karl. "There's a really big bear in the backyard." This is how three children meet Stillwater, a giant panda who moves into the neighborhood and tells amazing tales. To Addy he tells a story about the value of material goods. To Michael he pushes the boundaries of good and bad. And to Karl he demonstrates what it means to hold on to frustration. With graceful art and simple stories that are filled with love and enlightenment, Jon Muth -- and Stillwater the bear -- present three ancient Zen tales that are sure to strike a chord in everyone they touch.
English in Fairy Tales. Английский язык в сказках. SB
Added by: ALLYOnushka | Karma: 104.79 | Black Hole | 14 January 2011
English in Fairy Tales. Английский язык в сказках. SB
Изучать английский язык теперь сказочно просто! Всеми любимые сказки "Золушка", "Белоснежка", "Три поросёнка" и "Дюймовочка" на английском и русском языках с замечательными иллюстрациями на каждой странице. FOR RUSSIAN SPEAKERS ONLY
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Tales to Tickle Your Funny Bone: Humorous Tales from Around the World
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Fiction literature | 13 December 2010
From tall tales, trickster tales, and noodlehead stories to hoaxes, urban legends, riddles and songs-here are more than 70 stories from around the world and across the centuries that you can pull out of your story bag at a moment's notice-to read aloud or re-tell before, between and after daily activities; or integrate into lessons and learning opportunities. Most take just minutes to read. The country or culture of origin is noted for each story, and there is a detailed bibliography, introductory notes on humor and folklore, and a discussion of the healing power of humor.