Strategic Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions: The Influence of Culture on Successful CooperationOrganizational flirts and marriages - alliances, mergers and acquisitions - are dramatic examples of how soft cultures can produce hard facts of success or failure. Decisions born from human vanity can lead to destruction of human capital. The chapters selected by Ulijn, Duysters and Meijer illustrate the many facets of organizational family life for the scholar and, hopefully, for the decision-maker who considers another move.'
- Geert Hofstede, author of Culture's Consequences
Zig Ziglar has dedicated his life to teaching people the art of successful living. However, he has discovered that "being successful" is only part of life's challenge. Success is very often a short-lived high. People arrive at the goal line in life, look into the end zone and discover that it contains many of the things that money will buy, but it contains very little of what money won't buy. Zig believes that yes, success is worth it, but it is not enough. The next step is to move from success into significance.
Is Hip Hop Dead? - The Past, Present and Future of America's Most Wanted Music
Hip hop is remarkably self-critical as a genre. In lyrics, rappers continue to debate the definition of hip hop and question where the line between underground artist and mainstream crossover is drawn, who owns the culture and who runs the industry, and most importantly, how to remain true to the culture's roots while also seeking fame and fortune. The tension between the desires to preserve hip hop's original culture and to create commercially successful music promotes a lyrical war of words between mainstream and underground artists that keeps hip hop very much alive today.
Leonid Pronenko's work has been featured in more than twenty international exhibitions. He is the author of "Calligraphy for Everybody" (in Russian). Many of his students at the Kuban State University in Krasnodar have gone on to successful careers in design and calligraphy.
The updated, comprehensive guide to successful catering business management. In addition to creating and executing a great menu, successful catering also takes know-how for marketing your business, keeping costs in line, and ensuring the entire operation runs smoothly.