What you need to know when you are ready to go beyond “how to write a novel” How to Craft a Great Story takes you step by step through the process of creating a compelling and coherent plot and structure. It covers such basics as the traditional story arcs and such advanced information as finding balance and marrying structure and form. Each chapter contains a diagnostic test, case studies, practical exercises and Aide Memoire boxes.
This book teaches readers how to plan and write comic books. They will discover ways of brainstorming ideas for a comic book story, how to outline a plot using a three-act organizational structure, how to incorporate dialogue and descriptions, and how to write clear and detailed instructions for an artist to draw the accompanying illustrations. A variety of activities provide hints and tips along the way to support the process of planning, organizing, and writing the narrative of a comic book story.
Short Story Theories: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective problematizes different aspects of the renewal and development of the short story. The aim of this collection is to explore the most recent theoretical issues raised by the short story as a genre and to offer theoretical and practical perspectives on the form. Centering as it does on specific authors and on the wider implications of short story poetics, this collection presents a new series of essays that both reinterpret canonical writers of the genre and advance new critical insights on the most recent trends and contemporary authors.
Canada's History features beautifully illustrated, factual, well-written articles on every aspect of Canada's past and how it’s shaped today. Six times a year, the magazine tells the ongoing story of this country and its industrious and spirited people. Rediscover Canada with stories that surprise and entertain you. Only in Canada's History, eh!